Professor Kehoe’s research interests are in the broad areas of global business and global marketing, specifically in exporting, global business strategy, global economic development, global and regional economic integration, and global business ethics. His publications include articles on such topics as economic integration, euro emergence and implementation, exporting and market-entry strategies, environment of global business ethics, conceptualizing a framework for global business ethics, GATT, NAFTA, tariffs in global business, and the World Trade Organization.
Professor Kehoe received the Jefferson Scholars Foundation Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching. He is a member of the Academy of International Business, the Academy of Management, the Academy of Marketing Science, the American Marketing Association, the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, the Association for Consumer Research, the Society for Business Ethics, the Society for Marketing Advances, and the Raven Society of the University of Virginia. He is an elected Fellow of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, a Fellow of the Gallup International Institute, a Fellow of the Society for Marketing Advances, and an American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium Fellow. He was a Visiting Professor at the Netherlands Business School, Nijenrode University, and at the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University. He is past chairman of the Charlottesville Regional Chamber of Commerce, the Charlottesville Albemarle Airport Authority, the Thomas Jefferson Area United Way, and the Albemarle County Police Foundation and chaired the Albemarle County Fiscal Resource Advisory Committee. He is a member of the Virginia Chamber of Commerce; served on the Virginia Economic Development Advisory Committee; was appointed by the governor of Virginia to the Virginia Aviation Board; and was appointed by the Virginia Secretary of Transportation to VTRANS 2025. Elected to the Board of Governors of Beta Gamma Sigma, he served as national secretary/treasurer of Beta Gamma Sigma. He held management positions with Centrex Corporation, Phillips Petroleum Company, and Mercantile Stores Company. He served in the U.S.M.C.