Your education is just one part of the equation. You also have to know how to tell your story. We know that takes careful attention, practice, and revision to get to the point where you’re an expert at pitching yourself. We don’t do templates, broad strokes, or generic advice. Our approach is customized, tailored, and specific to who you are and what you want to achieve.
- Resume development: We will help you craft your resume so that it’s specific to the industry you want to work in. This is your story, but we will critique it line by line to make sure that you communicate your experience, skills, and objectives as efficiently and effectively as possible.
- Interview preparation: Our advice goes beyond eye contact and a firm handshake. Our coaches offer one-on-one practice mock interviews across a range of industries and interview formats. Our Employer Engagement Days also offer you the opportunity to engage in mock interviews with employer partners. Because of our deep industry connections, we update and customize our interview preparation with real-world examples to reflect what the market demands.
- Personal brand: Knowing how to craft, write, and pitch your personal brand goes hand-in-hand with resume development and interview skills, and will inform your cover letters, social media presence, and even salary negotiations. McIntire students and alumni are known for being strong communicators. We will work with you to develop your personal brand and how to effectively communicate who you are, your skill set, and your aspirations.
From providing real-time career information to helping schedule interviews on Grounds, we help you effectively communicate your story. Career Services is always improving and evolving our services to ensure they’re relevant to students preparing to enter today’s workplace.